SAE Greenhouse ART-LAB

SAE Greenhouse ART-LAB: Fostering Art-Science Dialogues On Agroecology And Food System Transformation •

SAE greenhouse art-lab

The SAE Greenhouse Art-Lab is a space for exchange and collaboration at the intersection of food, art, and agroecology. It brings together artists, researchers, activists, and practitioners connected to the work of the Sustainable Agroecosystems Group. Together, we explore agroecology and engage in collective efforts to transform food and agricultural systems in sustainable ways.

Since 2021, the SAE Greenhouse is full of nourishing exchanges, grounding encounters, and fruitful collaborations. We share food, thoughts, texts, poetry, stories, feelings, struggles, and practices. We learn and unlearn. We read and discuss. We build bridges among us – spaces of dialogue, spaces of possibilities. We craft a space to resist and exist.

Want to know more and follow the activities of the Greenhouse – Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER 😊






Thinking + talking

Coming events